Thursday, October 02, 2008

Clean house!

I am sitting in my very clean house and enjoying it. I scheduled a house cleaning for this morning, by the lady who I had cleaning regularly while I was on chemo. I stopped scheduling her last December when I was done with treatment. I felt that I should clean my own house and didn't want to spend the money on something I should do myself. But it got a little out of control lately and needed a really good scrubbing. And with David doing a show and not being around to help, I sure was getting behind. So I broke down and called Chela and she came this morning. Ahhhhh. Can I just look at my mopped kitchen floor and both bathrooms clean at the same time and say "ahhhhhh?"

I got to see David's show again last night with my Mom and Tonya and they loved it. I am enjoying it so much, and as I knew it would be, it was well worth the sacrifice of having David gone way more than was comfortable. It got very hard near the end. But I am so proud of him and proud of the show. I don't know if I ever put up the link to the online review they got - with pictures. So I will do that now. Here it is. See September 21st entry.

Link also goes to a review for The Producer's which finally opened at the Palace last weekend after much labor on many many people's part. I saw a tech rehearsal of the show and was pretty impressed with the production values that were in place at that time. That was a Tuesday and they had 4 more days to get thing ready. I won't see the finished product till after David's show closes in two weeks, and by then, I am sure it will be a well-oiled production. I can't wait. I am pretty proud to work for a small theatre company that will look at a bear of a show like that and say "Hell yeah, we can do that!"

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