Sunday, December 30, 2007


Thanks to Ronnifor the blogging award. Very cool. Though I have to say, it isn't difficult to have powerful things to say while battling cancer. Goes with the chemo, I guess.

To pass on the kudos I am supposed "to name three things that I believe most important to powerful writing and then pass on the award to five blogs I believe deserve recognition."

I think powerful writing is timely and unpretentious. Trying too hard automatically makes me take a writer less seriously. Less is more. I also admire humorists who say what they have to say and can make you chuckle or laugh outright no matter what the topic.

The Holmes is my first pick. He is expecting a baby any minute now. Always a funny guy and living on pins and needles in expectation, he penned a comic strip for his most recent entry (as of this writing). He often has profound insights and yet I never feel preached at. Also a playwrite, he is definitely roar worthy.

Next is Andrea in Toronto. I have never met her in person; she is a fellow cancer survivor who's blog, Cancer Culture, is a favorite of mine. Her entries often read like articles in Glamour Magazine such as A Fashionista's Guide to Cancer and her humor is one of a kind, as her entry, Wigs can fall into toilets and other perils on an afternoon out after chemo clearly demonstrates. She is about my age and is battling Hodgkins, another kind of Lymphoma, but her ability to accessorize to cover IV lines and radiation scars is inspiring to me. Fashionista, I am not. So it is nice to read the writings of this stylin' Canadian.

Jeff Tanner is a newly diagnosed Lymphoma patient in Fort Worth. His blog is new, begun in November for the sole purpose of documenting his treatment for friends, family and voyeurs like me (and now you). But this gent is amazing. He is driving from Fort Worth to Houston's MD Anderson for inpatient treatments. And he is blogging through it all. This guy is blogging while in the hospital, blogging on the drive from Houston to Fort Worth and back again. I've no doubt he would live blog his way through a bone marrow biopsy if he could. And he is keeping up his spirits and just doing what he has to do. I wish him and his family the best.

Julie of Julie's Dramas and Julie of Something Clever This Way Comes are both friends of mine and I consider them the blogging 'everywoman'. Moms both, they blog the trials and tribulations of motherhood, home buying, photography, baking, etc. And both are theatre ladies which makes them even cooler in my book.

Is that five? I could name more. I stuck with blogs on the web and not on Myspace. I disqualified Ronni since she passed it to me. I didn't pick blogs that are not regularly updated.

Anyway, I look forward to reading the blogs that are nominated by those I passed the award to. Keep writing everyone. With my new laptop I surf even more often. I need more to read!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.