Friday, June 02, 2006

Moon Over Buffalo Opens June 9th...

I have been so busy with rehearsals in the last month, I have not had much time to breath, much less blog. "Moon Over Buffalo" opens a week from today, June 9. I think we are going to be more than ready. Acting-wise, this cast is pretty stellar, one of the best I have worked with. Which is nice since I have not been on stage since November of 2004 when I got pregnant with Jackson.

So this was my first audition in two years. I was seriously nervous going into it. But you know, it just comes back to you, like riding a bike. It didn't hurt that there were plenty of auditioners there who were clearly not as experienced as I am and watching other people read badly always boosts my confidence. Then when I was called to read I was given great scenes AND great partners to read with. It makes a huge difference when the fellow auditioning with you is talented and able to give back all the energy you put out there.

So I was cast in the female supporting role in Moon Over Buffalo and offered the female lead in Barefoot in the Park later this summer. I almost didn't accept Barefoot as the rehearsal period is short and intense and it comes on the very heels of Moon. But my friends and family helped me decide that the time away from home would be worth it. Plus, if I turned it down it would be the second time to turn down the lead in Barefoot. I declined the role 3 years ago because of scheduling conflicts. I guess you don't always get a second chance like this so I better take it. I'll try to remember to write about how it goes when I get there.

But for now, we are about to begin tech week for Moon. I pick up my costumes tomorrow. I just hope they fit. I am not so confident in my post-baby body as I could be. It is funny, I weigh almost exactly the same as I did before the baby, but things have sort of shifted somehow. I still can't wear lots of my clothes from before. But I digress, I was talking about Moon over Buffalo, not the curious nature of my motherly hips as I see them...

So yes, Moon. Great script, near-perfect cast. If the costumes fit, the set gets finished and the lights hung and focused it will be a great opening night.

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