Tuesday, June 06, 2006

How to get a baby interested in his toys...

Well, it is simple. How do you get a baby to play with his toys? You put them away.
Jackson has a laundry basket in the living room in which I keep his toys. In the morning he dumps it out and drags them all over the house. Then in the evenings, I gather them all up and put them back in the basket. This inevitably sparks a renewed interest in all of the toys he has ignored for hours. The second I fill the basket and put it in the corner, he simply has to dump it out and play with the toys.

But I am a smart mom, if I say so myself. Having learned this technique, I can now buy myself a few minutes of peace in the late afternoon to get dinner started, read a magazine or, in this case, type a quick blog. All I have to do is put the toys away and Jackson will attack them and play contentedly for ten minutes. Rinse and repeat and you can kill a half hour till his bedtime...

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