Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Boo Boo

Jackson was looking for me when I was in my closet and I yelled out to him, "I'm in here, boo boo. I call him that sometimes. Always have. I am not sure that he had ever really paid attention to it. This time he noticed though and said, "Boo boo? Why did you call me that?" I told him it was just something I call him sometimes. "Oh," he said. "Then I will call you sore."


~E said...

LOL. He is awesome!

Joni McClain said...

He IS awesome. Hey, I didn't take that photo of you you're using... but I don't mind if you keep crediting me. Isn't it time for some new ones? Maybe of your whole fam damily for Christmas cards. We can make them cool.